Jacqualine Tara Herron             Founder


Jacqualine is an award winning spa and wellness professional and passionate educator with an unusual wealth of knowledge and experience spanning a rich life and career.  Her foundation of knowledge stems from  'the road less travelled' where formative study began at Stillpoint Hermitage with the Taoist sage, author and teacher, Gia Fu Feng, practicing Tai Chi, studying the Tao Te Ching, I Ching and befriending the wilderness where they lived in the Isobel Forest in Colorado.   Then discovering  Zazen and studied with Aitkin Roshi at The Diamond Sangha's Maui Zendo in Hawaii, where she lived and practiced for five years, followed by a year of intensive silent retreats practicing Vipasasana and Metta Bhavana at the Insight Meditation Society in Barre Massachusettes, with pioneers of Buddhist practice Jack Kornfield, Sharon Salzberg and Joseph Goldstien.

Prior to these intensive years of meditation she lived in Harbin Hot Springs in California where she qualified in Deep Tissue Massage, Energy Healing and Polarity Therapy with Phil Caylor's Healing Haven School of Holistic Therapy. The immersion into this pristine natural environment of Harbin gave her an organic education of how to de-tox and regenerate through an authentic spa experience combined with learning powerful therapeutic skills.

In addition she trained in Integral Hatha Yoga at The Shivananda Yoga Centre in San Francisco and Kundalini Yoga with Sufi Master Murshid Isa Kadre.  Subsequently Jacqualine studied Ayruvedic Therapy with Dr Vasant Ladd at the School of Natural Medicine in Sante Fe, New Mexico. During those formative years she encountered and sat in the grace of many great teachers  including Krishnamurti, Ram Dass, Muktananda and Baba Hari Dass.

She supported herself for many years by batiking and making silk kimonos and other luxurious garments which were also shown at art exhibitions on the Hawaiian Islands.  Her inquiring mind connected with the divinitory Arts in many forms,  and she studied Kabbalah and Tarot with the iconic Amber Waves in San Francisco, and now reads for others and teaches.  Many other qualifications and collaborations followed plus creating yoga videos and audio meditations for The British School of Yoga, leading Stress Management Courses for The National Health Authority ( NHS ) and opening the Edgbaston Deep Relaxation Centre which also offered diploma courses through her accredited school, Evolve Healing Arts, in massage, healing, aromatherapy.  She has studied, lived and worked n the USA, Hawaii, India, China, Mexico, Mauritius, Maldives, Europe and the UK.  

A published author, yogi, body-mind therapist and creative, she became dedicated to formulating innovative signature holisitc products and wellness rituals 20 years ago. Jacqualine works with inspiration and understanding of what is required from the business and client perspective to create an outstanding wellness service anywhere in the world.  She is also known as Tara Herron.

Mel Cash


Mel Cash is one of the founding fathers of Remedial Massage Therapy and one of the world’s leading authorities on sports and Soft Tissue Massage. He is the founder and principal tutor of the London School of Sports Massage (LSSM) who offer certified BTEC level 5 courses throughout the UK and further qualifications from his (ISRM) Institute of Sports and Remedial Massage Therapy. 


Mel lectures at university level Anatomy and Physiology in the UK and USA and was a sportsman himself for many years. His clients include some of the world’s greatest ballet dancers and athletes.  

Mel’s in-spa training courses are tailored to suit the objectives of the business, location and needs of the team. He is an effective, positive and inspirational tutor adding huge value and opportunities for the growth of all involved. 

He is the author of several books including the popular Pocket Atlas of the Moving Body and Sport and Remedial Massage Therapy.   Mel is founder of Seeing Hands’ in Nepal, a charitable organization of clinics that provide massage training and work for blind people to give massage therapy www.seeinghands.org     


In addition Yogic Solutions connections include a wide circle of industry professionals, specialist trainers, master programmers and therapists to help you fulfil the scope of your plans. Curating the right professionals offer guests variable and exclusive seasonal master lead retreats and programs that enhance your annual calendar of events, expanding your marketing potential and appeal.